Total cataract: a tool to evaluate risk, raise an alert on complications and measure results generating big data for multiple uses in cataract surgery
Poster Details
First Author: L.Escaf Jaraba COLOMBIA
Co Author(s): L. Leon Ibanez L. Escaf Sales C. Quijano Maya
Abstract Details
To classify the risk of the operation before the cataract surgery. The software is able to highlight the risk variables and collect, save and analyse preoperative, intraoperative and postoperative variables in a big data platform to plan for a future statistical analysis of the variables
Through a web platform at the users input the data and then receive a risk assessment page of the planned surgery. The data is also presented in an evolution graph once the checklist is completed and facilitates comparison with global results. This is produced solely on a computer.
We have created a presurgical risk classification tool that uses an internal algorithm that classifies the surgery and gives recommendations based on the risk variables and on the surgeons�� experience. Also, it can generate multiples statistical graphs with the pre- intra- and postoperative variables gathered. The graphs present the relationship between the variables and the best corrected visual acuity. In addition, we have developed a virtual encyclopedia of terms related to cataract surgery that we linked to the risk variables in the classification of presurgical risk that the software performs.
This will help the people that use it to organize the variables and surgical characteristics on a virtual platform. It is also hoped that this will lead to future analysis, research and audit with the possibility of employing charts and graphs created from the data.
This is the first virtual tool to assess risk, raise an alert on complications and measure results of the cataract surgery based on the risk variables and also with relation to the surgeons�� experience
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