Shaping corneal inlays and onlays for presbyopia and hyperopia with ArF excimer laser technology
Poster Details
First Author: M.Mrochen SWITZERLAND
Co Author(s): D. Boss S. Coreia D. Muller
Abstract Details
To demonstrate the feasibility of shaping cornea lenticules for presbyopia and hyoperopia inlays and onlays by means of an ArF excimer laser system in a labatory setting.
Allotex GmbH, Zurich, Switzerland
Freshly enucleated pig eyes were delaminated into layers of 50 and 80 microns thickness with a diameter of 6 mm and 3 mm to create stromal blanks. The created corneal blanks were measured in shape and the obtained thickness profiles were used to derive an ablation profile for an ArF excimer laser specifically build to shape corneal lenticules. The corneal blanks were reshaped to achieve a predetermined lenticule profile by photoablation and the resulting lenticular shape was measured by means of optical metrology to derive the obtained shape.
Corneal lenticules with a diameter of 6 mm and a diopter range from � to � D were created using the ArF excimer laser. In addition, the laser system allowed to create � and � presbyopia add lenticules with a diameter of 3 mm. Optical metrology was used to measure the corneal lenticels within a storage media to allow comparable hydration as under physiological conditions.
Excimer laser shaping allows to process corneal blanks to create refractive lenticules as inlays and onlays for hyperopia and presbyopia treatment. Further clinical investigations are required to compare the planned shapes and the effective clinical refractive changes.
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