Sensitivity to centration and clinical outcomes after implanting a shape-changing corneal inlay
Poster Details
First Author: C.Gutierrez Amoros SPAIN
Co Author(s): E. Barragan A. Lang A. Roy S. Ulloa
Abstract Details
To asss the range of inlay decentration that is clinically aceptable with respect to the light-constricted pupil in presbyopes implanted with the Raindrop�Â�® Near Vision Inlay ( ReVision Optics, Inc, Lake Forest, CA, USA )
Vista Guti�Ã�©rrez Amor�Ã�³s Oftalm�Ã�³logos, A Coru�Ã�±a, Spain; Laser Ocular Hidalgo, Monterrey, Mexico; Codet Vision, Tijuana, Mexico; ReVision Optics, Inc. Lake Forest, CA, USA. (23/50)
115 emmetropic or low hyperopic presbyopes were implanted with the Raindrop Inlay in the non-dominant eye under a femtosecond laser flap. Inlay centration was determined by iTrace�â��¢ wavefront measurements with respect to the pupil center and the coaxially sighted corneal light reflex (CSCLR). Multivariate regression models were used to determine the influence of inlay position on visual outcomes. Preop and 3-month postop assessment included visual acuities, task performance, reports of halos and glare, and patient satisfaction.
The mean monocular uncorrected near visual acuity improved 4.9 �Â�± 1.7 lines in the inlay eye, and there was no change in binocular distance vision. The majority (83%) of implants were centered radially within 0.5 mm of the pupil center. Decentration with respect to the pupil center and visual axis revealed no significant changes in clinical outcomes, with the exception of near visual acuity in the inlay eye. A decentration greater than 0.75 mm had a mean monocular UNVA loss of one line.
Raindrop Inlay decentration less than 0.75 mm from the light-constricted pupil does not have an effect on near or distance visual acuity, task performance, severity of halos and glare or satisfaction.
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