Preoperative understanding of multifocal intraocular lens: multi-site questionnaire survey of Japanese candidate patients
Poster Details
First Author: H.Bissen-Miyajima JAPAN
Co Author(s): K. Minami S. Yaguchi A. Takahashi T. Kanzaki N. Yoshida
Abstract Details
To assess understandings of multifocal intraocular lens (MF-IOL) in candidate patients for cataract surgery with MF-IOL implantation through a multi-site questionnaire survey in Japan.
Eleven surgical sites, Japan
In November and December, 2016, candidates of MF-IOL implantation received questionnaire at 11 clinics. The questionnaire was designed for assessing patient demographics (age, sex, and spectacle usage) and understanding benefits and potential complications (glare, halo, and contrast degradation) in MF-IOL implantation. The respondents were directly collected to a third-party institute by mail for analysis.
There were 238 respondents for the issues of 240. Difference between mono- and multi-focal IOLs and reduction of spectacle usage after MF-IOL implantation were well understood by 70% or more patients, while less than 50% of patients understood the potential complications. After presenting the pros and cons of MF-IOL, 75% of patients preferred to MF-IOL, 87% anticipated reduction of spectacle usage, and 80% or more concerned potential complications.
The questionnaire survey for candidate patients showed that the understandings of benefits of MF-IOL were higher, however, the improvement of preoperative consultation regarding the potential complications should be further required.
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