Evaluation of the mechanical behaviour of a new single-piece intraocular lens as compared to commercially available IOLs
Poster Details
First Author: S.Lane USA
Co Author(s): S. Collins K. Das S. Maass I. Thatthamia R. Jain
Abstract Details
IOL position, stability and associated refractive outcomes are related to lens biomechanical characteristics and associated interaction with the lens capsule. To understand potential surgical and refractive impact, the mechanical characteristics of five different single-piece monofocal IOLs were evaluated with standardized methods
Alcon Laboratories, Ft Worth Texas
Five different single-piece monofocal IOLs (Alcon Clareon Model SY60WF, Alcon AcrySof Model SN60WF, B&L enVista Model MX60, Hoya Vivinex Model XY1, and AMO Tecnis Model ZCB00) were evaluated for biomechanical characteristics including: axial displacement, optic decentration, and optic tilt at 10 mm compression per methods described in ISO 11979-3. In addition, the IOLs were compressed to different diameters to evaluate the effect on changes in axial displacement and associated dioptric power.
The axial displacement at 10 mm compression was 0.02 �Â�± 0.01 mm (SY60WF), -0.01 �Â�± 0.02 mm (SN60WF), 0.68 �Â�± 0.22 mm (MX60), 0.19 �Â�± 0.04 mm (XY1), and 0.14 �Â�± 0.02 (ZCB00). Optic decentration was within 0.06 mm and optic tilt was no greater than 1.2�Â�° for all IOL models evaluated. With different levels of compression, IOL Models SY60WF and SN60WF demonstrated minimal axial displacement and corresponding dioptric power change, as compared to the other IOL models
Axial displacement at 10 mm compression of the new single-piece IOL (SY60WF) is negligible among the IOL models tested, comparable to SN60WF. Optic decentration and optic tilt at 10 mm compression were comparable for all IOL models. With different levels of compression, SY60WF and SN60WF demonstrated the least change in axial displacement and corresponding dioptric power. All other models showed higher axial displacement and refractive sensitivity as a function of compression diameter in this model. Impact of axial displacement and associated refractive outcomes on IOL selection needs to be evaluated clinically, as the capsular bag changes post-operatively.
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