Effects of secondary implantation on one-piece intraocular lenses and three-piece intraocular lenses
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First Author: K.Kawai JAPAN
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Abstract Details
To experimentally examine the load that an intraocular lens (IOL) and the globe of the eye are subjected to during ciliary sulcus and scleral fixation of an IOL.
Tokai University School of Medicine
1) Haptic durability: A haptic was placed in a universal materials tester, and the maximum tensile load was measured with a rate of stretching of 40 mm/min and a distance stretched of 25 mm. 2) The force with which an IOL resumed its original shape: 2-mm from the tip of the haptic was fixed in place and stress on the IOL was measured until the overall length of the IOL was stretched 15 mm. Lenses assessed (3 of each): One-piece lenses: NS-60YG, SN60WF, XY-1, ZCB00V, and W-60Three-piece lenses: N4-18YG, YA-65BB, AN6KA, NX-60, and NX-70
1) Among one-piece lenses, the largest maximum load was borne by the W-60 (1.077), followed by the ZCB00V (0.993), SN60WF (0.517), NS-60YG (0.457), and XY-1 (0.417). Among the three-piece lenses, the largest maximum load was borne by the YA-65BB (1.747), followed by the NX-60 (1.483) and NX-70 (1.143) and then the AN6KA (0.637) and N4-18YG (0.283). 2) Only the W-60 was highly able to resume its original shape, which it did with a force of 13.43 mN. The force with which other lenses resumed their original shape ranged from 0.906 mN for the SN60WF to 2.901 mN for the YA-65BB.
The YA-65BB, NX-60, and NX-70 bore a large maximum load, so these lenses withstood considerable force until their haptics were damaged. The W-60 was highly able to resume its original shape, so the suture site and sclera are presumably susceptible to stress when this lens is used. Thus, the mechanical properties of a given IOL must be sufficiently considered if that IOL is to be implanted.
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