Orbital kaposi sarcoma in an adult filipino male: a case report
Poster Details
First Author: K.Duyongco PHILIPPINES
Co Author(s): G. Mercado M. Villanueva A. Abelardo
Abstract Details
A distinctive case of orbital Kaposi sarcoma is reported in order to:A. Describe the epidemiology, pathogenesis, and unique presentation of the tumor,B. Identify key histomorphologic and immunohistochemical characteristics,C. Present the differential diagnoses, andD. Discuss the challenges and issues in management.
The Medical City, Ortigas Avenue, Pasig, Metro Manila, Philippines
This is a case report. Literature search was primarily done using PubMed.
A 33-year-old Filipino male presented with a 5-month history of progressive proptosis of the left eye associated with blurring of vision, diplopia, and discomfort in eye movement. Magnetic resonance imaging showed an abnormally-enhancing intraconal mass in the left retro-orbital area with mass effects. Excision biopsy revealed a low-grade vasoformative neoplasm with positive immunostaining for CD34 that is consistent with Kaposi sarcoma. Serologic test for HIV turned out positive. Two months after surgery, intracranial enhancing lesions were detected after bouts of seizures and severe headaches. The patient was lost to follow-up before highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART) could be initiated.
HIV-associated Kaposi sarcoma can occur in unusual locations including the orbit and should be considered in young, high-risk individuals presenting with ocular complaints.
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