Efficacy of matrix regenerating agent in improving wound healing and pain relief, in a patient undergoing transepithelial photorefractive laser treatment
Poster Details
First Author: J.Gertnere LATVIA
Co Author(s): I. Solomatins A. Solomatin L. Ekimane I. Silina
Abstract Details
To report our first experience with the use of matrix regenerating agent (RGTA) Cacicol�Â�® after transepithelial PRK to assess the epithelial healing and pain.
Dr. Solomatin Eye Center
60 eyes (30 patients) with myopia were recruited to this prospective study. All the eyes underwent transepithelial PRK.The RGTA Cacicol�Â�® eye drops after laser corneal surgery were installed in the right eye of every patient .Placebo eye drops were used for the left eye. 3 eye drops total, to be given once immediately after surgery, once 2 days after surgery, and a final time 4 days after surgery. Postoperative pain was subjectively assessed with the use of the Visual Analog Scale and epithelial defect area size were measured with the use of slit lamp calipers 4 days postop.
Pain scores were 2.5 in Cacicol�Â�® group and 2.6 in control group in 1 day, 3.3 and 3.7 in 2 days, 0.5 and 0.6 in 3 days and 0 -0 in day 4. UDVA was Log MAR 0.25 and 0.31 in day 4. The epithelial defect area was 7.91mm�Â�² in Cacicol�Â�® group and 8.03mm�Â�² in day 1 and, 4.17 mm�Â�² and 4.02 in day 2, 1.26 mm�Â�² and 1.31 mm�Â�² in day 3 and 0.22 mm�Â�² and 0.25 mm�Â�² in 4 days postop.
The use of RGTA Cacicol�Â�® was not showing statistically significant faster recovery after trans epithelial PRK. Also was not find statistically significant difference in UDVA and subjectively reported pain score. There were no adverse events and no incidents of inflammation or delayed healing.
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