The importance of anterior segment imaging in the diagnosis and management of retrocorneal membranes following penetrating keratoplasty
Poster Details
First Author: A.Stamate ROMANIA
Co Author(s): M. Zemba
Abstract Details
- To describe a rare case of retrocorneal membrane following penetrating keratoplasty (PK): clinical features, diagnosis and treatment
- Department of Ophthalmology, ��Dr. Carol Davila�� Central Military Emergency University Hospital, Bucharest, Romania
- History: a 75-year-old male presented with gradual visual loss OS for 3 months, 6 months after undergoing PK OS for granular corneal dystrophy Groenouw type I Visual acuity OS: 0.7 logMar (0.4 logMar after PK)- Biomicroscopy: OS: transparent corneal graft with continuous suture ��in situ��; retrocorneal membrane behind the graft that covers the entire surface, except for a small temporal region- Ultrasound biomicroscopy (UBM) and anterior segment OCT: demonstrated the presence of a retrocorneal membrane arising at the graft-host junction, with a small hole in the temporal side
Considering clinical features and anterior segment imaging, the diagnosis of retained host��s Descemet��s membrane was established and surgical removal was performed.- 3 days postoperative: visual acuity OS: 0.4 logMar (the same as after PK)- 90 days postoperative: the aspect was stable during the entire follow-up period- UBM: remnants of the membrane in the periphery, near the graft-host junction- Pathology report: thin avascular membrane, rare fibroblasts, rare inflammatory cells
- Anterior segment imaging plays an important role in the diagnosis and management of retrocorneal membranes, especially in eyes which have already undergone various types of surgery, due to its safety and effectiveness- The clearer understanding of the pathogenesis of the different types of retrocorneal membranes may allow a more specific and efficient treatment
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