Ultra-wide field scanning laser ophthalmoscope imaging techniques for lens subluxation and retinal pathology through corneal and posterior segment opacities
Poster Details
First Author: N.Lemanski USA
Co Author(s): B. Lemanski M. Cheng
Abstract Details
In this case series, we present funduscopic views of four patients with either significant cornea or media opacities taken with the Optos California ultrawidefield scanning laser ophthalmoscope (SLO). Opacities include severe long standing corneal scarring from chemical injury, severe posterior capsular opacity (PCO) after traumatic injury, severe keratic precipitates with vitreous haze during endophthalmitis, and diffuse lipid keratopathy from corneal neovascularization. Additionally, we present one case of a patient with a dislocated posterior IOL, for which these photos were important in planning a subsequent surgery. We discuss techniques by which these fundus photos can be readily obtained in the office
In office, private practice. Age range: 20-82 years of age; exclusion criteria: none.
We developed an in house defocusing technique that involves 16 to 24 photos of the eye steered at a fixed target in a sequence of one ��stop�� increments. A ��stop�� herein is defined as equivalent to one second of z-axis movement by the Optos scan head, corresponding to two mm of z-axis travel.
For patients with corneal and posterior segment opacities: all patients were imaged successfully with the defocusing technique resulting in clinically useful views of the retina when none were observable with traditional ophthalmoscopy techniques. For the patient with a dislocated posterior IOL: this patient��s lens haptics were successfully imaged affording better pre-surgical planning for explantation.
This defocusing technique adds a trivial amount of time to patient encounter times while greatly enhancing the clinical views of the retina or IOL haptics when limited or no views were available with traditional ophthalmoscopy techniques.
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