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Awareness and knowledge about glaucoma among the Saudi population: a survey among attendees of the International Glaucoma Day

Poster Details

First Author: H.Ahmedhussain SAUDI ARABIA

Co Author(s):    O. Badeeb   N. Badeeb   F. Madani   L. Khawandanh   E. Abbas        

Abstract Details


To assess awareness and knowledge about glaucoma risk factors, symptoms, treatment and outcomes among attendees of the Glaucoma Awareness Campaign (GAC) in march 2015 and 2016, which took place on the world glaucoma week, in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia.


The study involved attendees of the GAC at the outpatient clinics and hospital lobby King Abdulaziz University Hospital, as well as in the Red-Sea shopping mall, in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia.


A semi-structured questionnaire assessed awareness about glaucoma and knowledge regarding the most significant risk factors, symptoms, treatment options and outcomes (1� items), as well as information source. Correctness rate was calculated for each item, and a knowledge score was calculated as the sum of all correct answers (0 to 25) and divided into 5 knowledge levels: very poor (0-4); poor (5-9); average (10-14); fair (15-19); and good (20-25). Sociodemographic factors, personal and family history of glaucoma and presence of risk factors such as diabetes, hypertension and steroid use were investigated and analyzed as factors of knowledge.


We included 1751 participants; 51.5% males; mean�Â�±SD age=40.23�Â�±13.86 years; 60.9% were highly educated and 64.7% employed; 3.7% had glaucoma and 22.6% reported a family history of glaucoma. Overall awareness rate was 65.6%, which was moderately higher among female, older (>40 years), and highly educated participants. Regarding knowledge, 15.4% had fair to good knowledge, and society was the main source of knowledge reported in 35.6%. Depending on knowledge items, correctness rate ranged between 2.7%to 91.5%. Knowledge level was moderately increased in participants with personal or family history of glaucoma, regular followed-up in ophthalmology, and those having multiple information sources.


There is inadequate awareness and knowledge about glaucoma among Jeddah population and no significant impact of socioeconomic class or educational status has been evidenced. Glaucoma patients have relatively better knowledge than non-glaucoma participants; however they lacked of knowledge regarding options and efficacy of treatment. Knowledge about glaucoma should be further promoted among patients to improve outcomes and among the general population to prompt early screening and prevention.

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