Factors affecting corneal incision position during femtosecond cataract surgery (FLACS) using LenSx
Poster Details
First Author: A.Siu AUSTRALIA
Co Author(s): T. Chan K. Meades C. Bala
Abstract Details
To examine the role of biometric parameters and ocular rotation on the position of the corneal incisions during FLACS with LenSx.
Private Ophthalmic Clinic
A prospective, single arm, non-randomized, study of the patients undergoing LenSx FLAC surgery was performed. The video recordings of the surgery were examined to determine the location of the internal opening, external opening and width of the primary and secondary corneal incisions. The extent to which they differed from the ideal was measured. The various factors such as anterior chamber depth, keratometry, anterior chamber depth, axial length and ocular rotation were determined.
The superior and inferior secondary incisions were displaced by 300 microns centrally in most patients. The amount of displacement varied significantly with the rotation of the eye (p<0.001). Multivariate analysis showed that the position of the superior wound varied significantly with ACD (p=0.03) and eye rotation(p<0.0001; R Square 0.77), while the inferior incisions was only affected by eye rotation (p,0.001; R Square 0.85). The main incision and the width of the various incisions were not affected.
Ocular rotation has a significant impact on wound placement and has to factored into incision planning.
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