Why vertical spot spacing matters: a prospective evaluation of new settings in laser-assisted cataract surgery
Poster Details
First Author: T.Schultz GERMANY
Co Author(s): B. Dick
Abstract Details
To investigate the impact of adapted capsulotomy laser settings on the cutting quality in femtosecond laser-assisted cataract surgery.
University Eye Hospital, Bochum, Germany
In this prospective randomized trial a total number of 100 eyes were treated with two different laser settings including 50 eyes per group. In group A, the regular standard settings were used (incisional depth 600 �Â�µm, pulse energy 4 �Â�µJ, horizontal spot spacing 5 �Â�µm and vertical spot spacing 10 �Â�µm, treatment time: 1.2 seconds). In group B vertical spot spacing was increased to 15 �Â�µm (treatment time: 1.0 seconds). Light microscopy was used to evaluate the cut quality of the capsule edge under high magnification. The size and number of tags (misplaced laser spots, which form a second cut of the capsule with high tear risk) were investigated in a blinded manner. Groups were compared via Mann-Whitney U-test.
Cataract surgery was successfully completed in all eyes and no anterior capsule tear occurred during the treatment. Histologically, significant fewer tags were observed in group B. Mean score for number and size of free tags was significantly lower in group B compared to the standard setting group A (p<0.001).
The new laser settings led to an improved cut quality and reduced the number of tags. The modification has great potential to further reduce the risk for radial capsular tears in femtosecond laser-assisted cataract surgery. Under the operating microscope, no tags and no capsular tears were observed after applying the new laser settings in all eyes.
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