To FLACS or not to FLACS...that is the question, the asymmetric technologic bubble in Latin America
Poster Details
First Author: I.Ferreira-Ríos MEXICO
Co Author(s): L. Escaf P. Suarez
Abstract Details
To understand where FLACS technology is located in Latin America and why is located there. Which are the factors taken into account in different LA countries to use this technology.
FLACS in Latin America is distributed in an inhomogeneous pattern. Brazil with 200 hundred million people and a GDP of 11.200 U$S has about 100 FLACS devices for cataract surgery and Mexico with 122 million and a GDP of 10. 708 U$S has about 25. Ecuador has a similar population of Chile and with a GDP of 6.200 U$S compared to 15.732 U$S. Ecuador has 15 and Chile 5.
Instituci�Ã�³n de Oftalmolog�Ã�a Conde de Valenciana, Universidad Aut�Ã�³noma de M�Ã�©xico (UNAM)
We did research of all the FLACS devices in LA and we compare it with the type of Clinic (academic or not academic, big surgery volume (more than 100 hundred a week) The type of the clinic owner (opinion leader, not opinion leader and his relationship with industry, the importance of marketing in the clinic and the competition with other clinics.Type of patient (high income patient)
We compared qualitative variables with a Chi Squared method.
We found a correlation between the clinic owner and conflict in interest with industry, an important marketing presence of the clinic, GDP of the area and volume of surgery was not related directly with the presence of this device.
In Latin America FLACS technology is distributed taking into account different factors than better results in cataract surgery or better cost/effective results. We found that is very important for using this technology the relationship of the surgeon with the industry, marketing issues and competition with other clinics.
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