Results with a hydrophobic trifocal IOL with an intermediate focus at 60 cm
Poster Details
First Author: R.Lapid-Gortzak THE NETHERLANDS
Co Author(s): I. van der Meulen C. Nieuwendaal V. Vrijman J. van der Linden
Abstract Details
To report the results of implantation of the TFNT00 trifocal hydrophobic IOL in terms of visual and refractive outcomes and side effects.
Retina Total Eye Care, Driebergen, the Netherlands
A case cohort study of eyes implanted with the TFNT00 IOL (Alcon, Fort Worth, USA). Results at 3 months where analyzed. Outcome parameters are uncorrected and corrected visual acuity at distance (UCDA and CDA), intermediate and near (DCIVA and UNVA and DCNVA), defocus curve, post-operative refraction, and incidence of residual refraction, and complications, as well as patient satisfaction.
In 114 eyes the TFNT00 was implanted. The mean spherical equivalent postoperative refraction was 0,03D 0.25 (range �,5 to -0,625 D). UCDA was logMAR -0.01 0.1, CDA was logMAR -0.09 0.05, DCIVA at 67cm was logMAR 0.06 0.06, DCNVA at 40 cm was -0.04 0,03, and UNVA was -0,05 0,1 logMAR at 40 cm. Incidence of residual refraction needing a touch up was low, the need for an early YAG capsulotomy was seen in some patients. 93% of patients were satisfied. 2 patients were lost to follow up.
The hydrophobic non-apodized trifocal IOL with an intermediate focus at 60 cm, achieves good distance, intermediate and near visual acuity. Side effects are similar to those seen in other multifocal IOLs. Long-term efficacy needs to be studied.
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