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Aberrometric outcomes comparison between three intraocular lenses of a same family

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Session Details

Session Title: Moderated Poster Session: The New Enlarged Depth-of-Focus Technology

Venue: Poster Village: Pod 1

First Author: : F.Bartol-Puyal SPAIN

Co Author(s): :    G. Gimenez-Calvo   I. Altemir-Gomez   P. Talavero-Gonzalez   V. Polo   J. Larrosa   L. Pablo

Abstract Details


To analyze aberrometric differences between intraocular lenses (IOL) of the same family: monofocal Tecnis ZCB00, multifocal Tecnis ZMB00 and enlarged depth-of-focus Symfony two months after implantation during cataract surgery.


Miguel Servet University Hospital, Zaragoza, Spain.


70 eyes of 35 patients were implated with monofocal ZCB00 IOL, 80 eyes of 40 patients were implanted with Tecnis ZMB00 IOL and 40 eyes of 20 patients were implanted with Symfony IOL (Abbott Medical Optics). Two months after cataract surgery, patients were examined with the KR-1W analyser (Topcon). All the interventions were performed by the same ophthalmologic surgeon. Patients who had any other ophthalmological pathology were excluded from this study.


Averages in monofocal group were: 61.37 years, pupil diameter between 3.22 and 4.02 mm and axial length of 23.30 mm. In monofocal group averages were: 63.25, between 3.01 and 4.67, 23.48 respectively. In Symfony group they were: 65.33, between 3.11 and 4.83, 23.39 respectively. Analysing a 4-mm pupil, ocular trefoil was higher in monofocal group than in multifocal, total high order aberrations, corneal third order and corneal trefoil were higher in Symfony group, and corneal tetrafoil was higher in Symfony group than in multifocal. We found no differences in any other parameters, nor in keratometry or corneal spherical aberration.


The higher presence of optical aberrations in the enlarged depth-of-focus IOL group found in this study are due to corneal differences but not to optical aberrations produced by the IOL itself. The fact that no other differences were found implies that, from the point of view of the optical properties of IOLs, the existence of a near-vision focus or an enlarged depth-of-focus does not mean any increase of optical aberrations for the patient.

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