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Usefulness of measuring CCT intraoperatively in LASIK using handheld ultrasound pachymeter

Poster Details

First Author: J.Sarwate INDIA

Co Author(s):    N. Sarwate   R. Sarwate                 

Abstract Details


To study the utility of intraoperative handheld ultrasound pachymetry in LASIK.


Sarwate Eye Clinic & Laser Centre, Satara, India - A Tertiary eye care centre.


Retrospective analysis of 1000 eyes in age group of 19 to 35 yrs with moderate to high myopia with or without astigmatism & CCT>500 µm which underwent LASIK by a single surgeon from 2010-2012 with Wavelight Allegretto Excimer Laser & Moria M2 Microkeratome. CCT measurements were done by single operator using Tomey TMS-2 ultrasound pachymeter- 1)preop 2)intraop after creating the flap (before lifting) 3) after lifting the flap (before laser delivery) 4) after laser ablation. Flap thickness was calculated as difference between 1 & 2 and residual stromal bed was calculated as difference between 3 & 4.


The mean pachymetry was 520 ± 25.3 µm (Range 500 to 550 µm) with mean SE of -7.5 ± 2.5 D. None of the eyes needed intraoperative alteration of the planned ablation parameters & cut off of >300 µm residual stromal bed was maintained in all cases. There was no incidence DLK postoperative in all the eyes.


Intraoperative ultrasound pachymetry is reliable method to maintain the safe residual stromal bed thickness >300 µm & reduce the risk of keratectasia.

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