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Prospective, randomized comparison of bandage contact lens removal on the fourth vs seventh postoperative day after photorefractive keratectomy

Poster Details

First Author: M.Mohammadpour IRAN

Co Author(s):    H. Hashemi   D. Shakoor   M. Jabbarvand   F. Rahimi   P. Hosseini        

Abstract Details


To compare the result of bandage contact lens (BCL) removal on the fourth versus seventh post-operative day after photorefractive keratectomy (PRK).


Farabi eye hospital, Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran


This study recruited patients undergoing PRK surgery. The patients were divided to two even groups, in group one BCL was removed on the 4th post-operative day, while in the second group, BCL was removed on the 7th post-operative day. After BCL removal, patients were asked to express their pain score and eye discomfort. At one and three month follow up, visual acuity by means of Log MAR scale was assessed. Slit Lamp examination was performed in all visits to evaluate complications.


Results: 260 eyes of 130 patients underwent PRK. The mean age and sex ratio were not significantly different between two groups. Pain and eye discomfort scores were not significantly different at all times. Means of BCVA and UCVA at one month were significantly better in group two and minor post-operative complications were significantly higher in group one. (P = 0.001) There was no major complications including infectious keratitis in both groups.


Following PRK surgery, BCL removal on the seventh post-operative day yields faster visual rehabilitation and lower rate of post-operative complications with no increase in eye pain and discomfort.

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