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YAG laser T-membranotomy in patients with multifocal IOLs

Poster Details

First Author: C.van der Windt THE NETHERLANDS

Co Author(s):                        

Abstract Details


To investigate the clinical safety and efficacy of Nd:YAG laser vitreolysis in patients with prolonged history of floaters resulting in posterior vitreous detachment (PVD), particarly patients with Restor acrysof IOLs


All patients were treated in the Riverland Hospital Tiel, the Netherlands between 2003 and 2014.


A prospective analysis of 15 eyes with restor out of 150 eyes with membranotomy with 9 months, or longer , history of floaters secondary to PVD. The treatment was performed using a Q-switched Nd:YAG laser.


The average age of the patients was 70 yr. There was a self reported post-operative visual improvement among the patients at a rate of 85%.


The results support the use of YAG laser vitreolysis for floater displacement among patients with a history of floaters that are secondary to PVD and persist for at least 9 months. Over a 10-year follow-up period, safety of the procedure was indicated by the absence of any complications among YAG-treated patients.

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