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Early results of improved beam profile using the Schwind Amaris for laser trans-epithelial PRK compared to pre-existing profile and Allegretto WaveLight

Poster Details

First Author: D.Lin CANADA

Co Author(s):    S. Holland   K. Termote                 

Abstract Details


Patient acceptance of TE PRK requires rapid recovery of functional vision. We aimed to determine if the early results of UNVA of modified beam profile (NPOA) of the SA laser using trans-epithelial PRK achieved this goal compared to the previous profile (SPOA) and the AW laser.


Pacific Laser Eye Centre, Vancouver, Canada


42 eyes underwent trans epithelial PRK with AS-SO, 433 eyes with AS-SPNA, and 368 eyes with WA. Pre and post-operative assessment of uncorrected visual acuity (UCVA), best spectacle corrected visual acuity (BSCVA), manifest refraction (MR) and predictability were analyzed at 2 weeks, 1 and 3 months.


For 2 weeks result, 18 eyes AS-SO and 130 eyes AS-SPNA met follow-up criteria (p>0.05). 44% AS-SO had UCVA≥20/25 comparing with 56% AS-SPNA. For 1 month result, 30 eys AS-SO and 391 eyes AS-SPNA met follow-up criteria (p>0.05). 53% AS-SO had UCVA≥20/25 comparing with 70% AS-SPNA. For 3 months result, 23 eyes AS-SO, 243 eyes AS-SPNA, and 319 eyes WA met follow-up criteria, and were 83%, 89%, and 91% had UCVA≥20/25 respectively. AS-SO had 22% lost 1 line or more BSCVA while it was 8% for AS-SPNA and 5% for WA.


Delay in recovery of functional UCVA beyond 2 weeks using AS-SO was improved by beam modification. P= The 2 week, 1 month were comparable between the SA groups while 3 month results were comparable in all 3 groups. 3 month result shows that new beamprofile (AS-SPNA) also improved BSCVA. The new beam smoothing profile of the SA showed significantly better early results than the previous profile

Financial Disclosure:

One or more of the authors receives consulting fees, retainer, or contract payments from a competing company

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