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Selective electrostimulation of the ciliary body as a new non-invasive method for presbyopia treatment: early results

Poster Details

First Author: L.Gualdi ITALY

Co Author(s):    F. Gualdi   V. Cappello   M. Gualdi              

Abstract Details


To evaluate the first results of a non-invasive and innovative method to reactivate the accomodation based on electrostimulation of the ciliary body.


D.O.M.A. srl (Rome-Italy)


10 presbyopic patients with mean age of 48.4 (range 41-50 years) were treated by a low voltage micro-electrostimulation of the ciliary body. The rythmic and constant contraction was created by a generator connected to each eye by a cable and a contact lens. A 8-minute continuous 1-200Hz treatment was performed on each eye by 4micro-electrodes at 3.5mm from the limbus.The Electrostimulator was studied to erogate square wave bifasic compensed micro-continuous current. Pre and post-operative uncorrected near vision and amplitude of accomodation with subjective (push-up/blurring) and objective tests (OPD-scanIII (Nidek), Casia (Tomey), AR-1A (Nidek) with accomodation module) were analyzed.


In all treated eyes the patient gained bilateral uncorrected near vision (from +1 to +1.50 Diopters). The treatment was able to increase the strenght and the function of the cyliary body partially reactivating the amplitude of accomodation lost due to the early presbyopia.


The new non-invasive technique based on micro-selected-elecctrostimulation of the ciliary body seems to be a promising technique to delay the accomodation lost, partially improving presbyopic symphtoms. Further follow-up will confirm the stability of the results.

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