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Advances in pupillometric screening for LASIK and cataract
Poster Details
First Author: A.Cayless UK
Co Author(s):
Abstract Details
Pupillometry is increasingly regarded as a vital adjunct to the screening process for LASIK and cataract surgery. An exact knowledge of pupil size under reproducible illumination conditions allows precise planning of the ablation zone in LASIK and consideration of IOL diameter in cataract surgery.
The purpose of the current investigation was to assess resting pupil diameter in normal volunteer subjects over a wide range of illumination conditions using a commercial video pupillometer (Albomed PupilX) and thus evaluate the suitability of this type of instrument as a screening device prior to refractive surgery.
The investigations were carried out in Stirling, Scotland, and University Augenklinik, Tübingen.
The PupilX binocular pupillometer measures pupil diameter of both eyes simultaneously at a frame rate of 30 Hz. Electronically controlled LED lighting is used to provide uniform field white light illumination on a logarithmic scale from zero to 1000 Lux. Measuring the resting pupil diameter under each of 16 logarithmically spaced illumination levels allows the curve of pupil response as a function of illumination Lux level to mapped out in detail.
Pupil response curves for a number of normal subjects will be presented. Reproducibility of the measurement will be assessed.
The pupil response curve provides a complete picture of an individual patient's pupillary response under a wide range of illumination, allowing a much more detailed assessment of suitability for surgery than a single measurement.
The current study involved normal volunteer subjects and provides a baseline of known response under controlled and calibrated illumination stimulus conditions. Further studies will concentrate on further grouping patients by age and also by known conditions affecting pupil response.
Financial Disclosure:
One or more of the authors receives consulting fees, retainer, or contract payments from a company producing, developing or supplying the product or procedure presented