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Epithelial ingrowth following collagen cross-linking in a patient with post-LASIK ectasia

Poster Details

First Author: V.Sharma INDIA

Co Author(s):    R. Sinha   T. Arora                 

Abstract Details


To report the first case of epithelial in-growth in a patient of post-LASIK ectasia who underwent collagen cross linking.


All India institute of medical sciences, India


An observational case report


A 33-year-old female patient who underwent LASIK in both eyes 10 yrs back reported with complaints of painless diminution of vision in left eye for past 6 months. On clinical and corneal evaluations including Pentacam and ASOCT she was found to have post-LASIK corneal ectasia in left eye. She underwent collagen cross linking in left eye and following this she developed epithelial ingrowth as evaluated clinically and by serial ASOCT. As the ingrowth was peripheral and did not involve the visual axis, she was managed conservatively and kept under observation.


No other similar case of epithelial ingrowth following collagen cross linking in a patient of post-LASIK ectasia has been reported in the literature till date. It is of utmost importance to carefully select and take intraoperative precautions in performing collagen cross linking in a patient of post-LASIK ectasia.

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