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Efficacy and rotational stability of the symfony extended range of vision toric IOL vs the Zeiss AT lisa trifocal toric IOL

Poster Details

First Author: A.Hamid UK

Co Author(s):                        

Abstract Details


A retrospective review to determine the efficacy and rotational stability of the Symfony Toric IOL compared to the At Lisa Trifocal Toric IOL


Optimax and Ultralase Eye Clinics, London, Uk


The results of UCVA, BCVA, Refractive Astigmatism and rotational Stability of 20 eyes implanted with the Symfony toric IOL were compared to 23 eyes implanted with the AT Lisa Trifocal Toric IOL. All surgery was performed with clear corneal phacoemulsification through a 2.65 mm incision.


87 % of patients in the AT Lisa group achieved 20/20 (0.0 LogMAR) or better UCVA vs 85% in the Symfony Group.91% of patient in the At Lisa group achieved 20/25 (0.1 LogMAR) UCVA or better in the AT Lisa Group vs the 90% in the Symfony group. 100% of eyes in the AT Lisa group achieved UCNVA of N8 or better versus 81% in the Symfony group. 86.36% of eyes were within +/- % degrees of intended axis in the AT Lisa group vs 84% in the Symfony Group.


Both IOLs demonstrate exceptionally good rotational stability and high levels of distance UCVA. However, there AT Lisa group archives higher levels of UC Near Visual Acuity.

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