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Changes of the ocular fundus in patients with amaurosis fugax
Poster Details
First Author: L.Ramazanova RUSSIA
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Abstract Details
To determine the differential diagnostic criteria for the amaurosis fugax (transient monocular total visual loss).
We examined 36 people with a history of episodes of complete loss of vision in one eye, women was 48% and 52% ere men. Episodes of transient monocular loss of view lasted from several minutes to hours, with rapid and almost complete recovery.
Astrakhan State Region Clinic, Astrakhan, Russia
All patients, in addition to the traditional eye examinations were conducted fluorescent angiography (FA) with ocular fundus photoregistration, and a complete examination of whole body and neurological status, including duplex scanning of carotid arteries (DSCA), ECG.
All patients were divided into 3 groups. In the 1 group were determined cholesterol embolus in the eye vessels, in the DSCA was identified stenotic changes of the carotid arteries. In 2 group have been identified platelet or calcific emboli the eye vessels, during the complete examination in the study of the general condition in 47% of cases were identified stenotic changes of the carotid arteries, in 35% of cases- different pathology of heart valves with calcification and in 12% of cases (in 2 patients) revealed hematologic. In group 3 no vascular emboli are seen,conducted a comprehensive study - DSCA, ECG, arteriography, after detailed examination in 33% of cases diagnosed migraine, 33% - primary stenotic changes in the carotid arteries.
1. Investigation of the ocular fundus in the case of transient monocular total visual loss in most cases provides important information on the status of the eye vessels and allows more likely to judge the possible systemic disease of the patient.
2. Type of the vascular emboli, defined in the study of the eye, is a diagnostic and prognostic guide in the identification of systemic pathologies.
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