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Clinical efficacy of optical quality analysis aystem (OQAS) for early cataract surgery

Poster Details

First Author: J.Hyun SOUTH KOREA

Co Author(s):    E. Lee   D. Lim   T. Chung              

Abstract Details


To analyze the efficacy of optical quality analysis system (OQAS HD analyzer, Visiometrics SL, Spain) for determination the early cataract surgery of the patients with good visual acuity and poor optical quality.


Department ophthalmology, Samsung Medical Center,Korea


Fifty-three eyes of 40 patients were analyzed. Preoperative uncorrected visual acuity, best-corrected visual acuity (BCVA), refractive error, cataract grade using the Lens opacities classification system III were evaluated. Quality of vision score and Objective Scatter Index (OSI) provided by OQAS were recorded preoperatively and 1 week after cataract surgery.


The correlation between Objective Scatter Index and best-corrected visual acuity were found in patients with BCVA better than 20/30 (p=0.026) and in patients with incipient cataract (p=0.046). Ten eyes (30%) had high OSI (over 2 points) despite good visual acuity and incipient cataract, and the quality of vision score were also significantly improved after cataract surgery in those patients group.


Patients with early cataract may complain of discomfort of visual quality like scattering in spite of good visual acuity. The OQAS HD Analyzer can provide the objective evidence of visual discomfort of patient with mild lens opacity and good visual acuity. The OQAS HD analyzer may be a useful device for determine the surgery in the patients with incipient cataract.

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