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Effects of astigmatic defocus on kinetic visual acuity

Poster Details

First Author: Y.Hasegawa JAPAN

Co Author(s):    T. Hiraoka   S. Nakano   T. Oshika              

Abstract Details


To determine the influence of induced astigmatism on kinetic visual acuity (KVA).


University-based eye institute


In 13 normal volunteers (mean age, 31.4 ± 5.1 years), monocular or binocular astigmatic defocus of +1.0D, +2.0D, and +3.0D were artificially induced using a spectacle lens at 90° (ATR) or 180° (WTR). The spherical equivalent was adjusted to emmetropic. The KVA was measured under each condition with both eyes open. We investigated the influence of astigmatic power, axis, and laterality of cylinder induction on KVA.


With binocular ATR and WTR astigmatism, KVA significantly decreased depending on the amount of astigmatic defocus (p < 0.0001). In monocular astigmatic defocus, neither ATR nor WTR astigmatism significantly influenced KVA. There were no significant differences in KVA between ATR and WTR astigmatism, binocularly and monocularly. KVA was significantly worse in eyes with binocular than with monocular astigmatic defocus regardless of cylinder power.


In binocular astigmatic defocus, both ATR and WTR astigmatism significantly deteriorated KVA depending on the amount of cylinder. Monocular astigmatic defocus had little influence on binocular KVA.

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