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Toric and beyond: the practical aspects of developing an intraocular lens calculator

Poster Details

First Author: S.Sayegh USA

Co Author(s):    S. Leibrandt   A. King                 

Abstract Details


To illustrate the practical issues in the development of a modern intraocular lens calculator.


A research center and clinical/surgical center delivering surgical care to patient presenting with cataracts with or without significant corneal astigmatism. The Eye Center, Illinois, USA


A variety of computer environments, languages, and platforms were explored and used sequentially or in parallel for the implementation of intraocular lens calculators ranging from the simple to the advanced. Languages included very high level languages such as Mathematica and intermediate, computational and/or object oriented ones such as C++ and Python. Platforms included desktop, web based and cloud deployment as well as mobile devices. Testing methodologies were included to compare results to those of calculators provided by major IOL manufacturers.


Some languages proved ideal for rapid prototyping and formal analysis, while others provided a highly structured environment ensuring accuracy and precision. Their use in combination constituted a powerful tool generating both flexible user interfaces and highly reliable results. With a moderate effort and time investment we also show how to extend the calculators to multiple platforms, providing surgeon and staff a continuity of access. Finally it is possible to design a battery of tests that can compare results to those of major manufacturers and provide the basis for rigorous benchmarking.


The use of modern accessible development environments resulted in the development of flexible and powerful IOL calculators.

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