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Power vector analysis of the optical outcome after cataract surgery with toric intraocular lens

Poster Details

First Author: L.Remón Martín SPAIN

Co Author(s):    I. Simo   W. Furlan   G. Mobayed              

Abstract Details


To analyze the astigmatic changes after cataract surgery with toric lens (IOL) implantation and examine the relationship between pre- and postoperative corneal and refractive changes using powers vectors.


Hospital Marina Salud Denia, 03700 Denia, Spain


Refractive and topographic data were obtained from twenty-two eyes (22 patients; medium of age 73.13±9.31 years) before and after cataract surgery with a toric IOL implanted (Bi-Flex; Medicontur; Geneva, Switzerland). Refractive and topographic measurements were expressed in the components of the power vectors (M, J0 and J45). This formalism was used to analyze the relationship between preoperative and postoperative astigmatism, in particular the correlation between the target (TIA) and surgically (SIA) induced astigmatism, difference vector and magnitude error.


Postoperatively, J0 reduced in magnitude from −0.81 D ± 2.02 to -0.12 D ± 0.62 D. The difference in magnitude between the component J0 preoperative and postoperative was statistically significant (p<0.05). For the component J45 this difference it was not statistically significant (p=0.82) due to the reduced number of patients with oblique astigmatism. The magnitude if the SIA vector was significantly lower than the TIA 1 month after surgery postoperative (p<0.05). The mean magnitude of the difference vector was 0.81 D ± 0.55 D at 1 month.


The toric Bi-Flex lenses can be reliably used to correct corneal astigmatism and power vector analysis is a useful method to analyze the results.

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