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Treatment of axial astigmatic anisometropia by toric intraocular lens

Poster Details

First Author: A.Ludyga POLAND

Co Author(s):    R. Szostek-Helbig   J. Wrobel   U. Gajdecka   M. Sosnowski   K. Posluszny-Rutkowska   E. Nita     

Abstract Details


To present the best way to achieve stereopsis after cataract surgey in axial astigmatic anisometropia


Anisometropia is the condition in which the two eyes have unequal refractive power. Uncorrected anisometropia leads to amblyopia, lack of stereopsis and results in deficits in contrast


A 39-year female with posterior subcapsular cataract and axial, complex, astigmatic anisometropia was treated by implantation of AcrySof IQ Toric IOLs. IOLs were calculated by Lenstar LS900 and Toric Calculator. AcrySof SN6AT7 +16,5 D was implanted in left eye and SN6AT7 +28,0 D was implanted in right eye after 2 months


After catarct surgery with the implantation of binocular toric lens patient does not require spectacles for distance vision, however she still uses spectacles for near vision. She has stereopsis and receives the permission to work at a height.


Phacoemulsification of cataract with toric intraocular lens implantation is a treatment of choice in patients with coexistence of cataract and cylindrical anisometropia and axial/corneal aniso-astigamtism. It makes a single stage procedure of cataract and correction of astigmatic anisometropia possible.

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