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Visual outcomes and toric IOL centration with a new intraoperative digital marking system

Poster Details

First Author: L.Izquierdo PERU

Co Author(s):    M. Rodriguez   M. Henriquez                 

Abstract Details


To evaluate the efficacy of the new intraoperative toric digital marking device VerionTM (Alcon Laboratories, Inc.) for IOL centration; as well as the difference between the standard manual marker and the VerionTM.


Oftalmosalud Insituto de Ojos, Lima, Peru. between December 2014 to February 2015


This prospective cohort study included 30 eyes of 30 patients that underwent cataract surgery with a corneal astigmatism greater than -2.00 diopters and a toric intraocular lens implantation (Acrysof IQ Toric IOL). Prior to the surgery patients were marked with a manual device and then compare the marking spots with Verion registering how many degrees of deviation were between both devices; the toric IOL centration was finally guided by the Verion. one month postoperative, uncorrected visual acuity (UCVA) was taken and the centration of the toric IOL was measured with the retro image of the OPD-Scan III(NIDEK, Inc., Fremont, CA).


The mean difference between manual marking and VerionTM was +7.44 degrees, +/- 1.86 SD (p< .04). At 1 month postoperative UCVA was 0.17 log MAR or better for all patients and the difference between the VerionTM mark and the OPD IOL landmark was 8.36 degrees, +/- 2.47 (SD). Axis marked with the VerionTM was highly correlated with the axis marked with OPD (Pearson=0.89). A moderate correlation was observed between the manual mark and OPD IOL landmark (Pearson= 0.69), with a difference between both of +13.88 degrees, +/- 3.62 (SD).


The Verion digital marking is an effective system for marking the axis for IOL toric implantation, presenting high correlation with the OPD improving visual outcomes.

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