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Evaluation of visual outcomes and ocular aberrations in multifocal intraocular lens implanted eyes

Poster Details

First Author: D.Tognetto ITALY

Co Author(s):    C. De Giacinto   M. Pastore   A. Cuna              

Abstract Details


To evaluate the visual outcomes and the wavefront aberrations analysis after diffractive aspheric echelette extended depth-of-focus IOL (EDOF-IOL) implant.


University Eye Clinic of Trieste, Italy


A prospective study was carried out in twenty patients undergoing cataract surgery and bilaterally implanted with TECNIS® Symfony IOL (Abbott Medical Optics). Phacoemulsification (WHITESTAR Signature® System, Abbott Medical Optics) was performed through a 2.2 mm corneal incision. Analysis of visual and refractive outcomes, ocular aberrations (OPD-Scan III; Nidek, Inc., Gagamori, Japan), contrast sensitivity (Sifi YANG, SIFI Diagnostic S.p.A) and defocus curve were performed preoperatively and during a 6-month follow-up period.


The uncorrected and corrected distance, intermediate and near visual acuity, contrast sensitivity and defocus curve outcomes demonstrated that TECNIS® Symfony is an high-performing m-IOL. The optical vision quality by point Strehl function (PSF) and modulation transfer function (MTF), and the wavefront aberrations analysis based on root mean square (RMS), spherical aberration (SA) and cromatic aberration (COMA), revealed a good quality of vision.


TECNIS® Symfony IOL was effective in improving visual performance for distance, intermediate and near visual acuity and provided a good quality of vision due to a significant reduction of high-order aberration.

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