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Laboratory through-focus image comparison of three presbyopia-correcting IOL models.

Poster Details

First Author: E. Alexander USA

Co Author(s):    M. Sarayba   S. Lee                 

Abstract Details


To compare through focus performance of a new trifocal IOL model and two multifocal IOL models (IQ ReSTOR +3.0D and IQ ReSTOR Distant Dominant +2.5D).


Vision Science/Optics Laboratory at Alcon Research Ltd, USA


Laboratory bench measurement of MTF for pseudophakic eyes was performed with a novel presbyopia correcting IOL, the Acrysof® IQ ReSTOR +3.0 D IOL, and the Acrysof® IQ ReSTOR +2.5 D IOLs. TF-MTF Curves simulating the viewing distance from infinity to 40cm were generated with IOLs in model eye environment.


The TF-MTF of a novel presbyopia correcting IOL, the Acrysof® IQ ReSTOR +3.0 D IOL, and the Acrysof® IQ ReSTOR +2.5 D IOLs was measured. IQ ReSTOR +3.0D has a near focus at 44cm which is comparable to the new trifocal IOL near focus. IQ ReSTOR +2.5D has a distance dominant design, thus the distance performance is closer to monofocal performance, and has a fainter near focus at 53cm. The novel presbyopia correcting IOL lens provides an additional intermediate focus at 60cm.


The TF-MTF Curves for new trifocal IOL and two multifocal IOLs all show a distance and a near focus in the laboratory simulation. The novel presbyopia correcting IOL provides an intermediate focus at 60 cm, which is believed to improve spectacle-independent viewing of devices such as smartphones. All three models show a near focus which is believed to improve spectacle-independent viewing of computers and possibly for reading.

Financial Disclosure:

One or more of the authors is employed by a for-profit company with an interest in the subject of the presentation

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