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A novel non-sequential order presbyopia-correcting IOL compared to two commercial trifocal IOLS: laboratory through focus MTF

Poster Details

First Author: E. Alexander USA

Co Author(s):    M. Sarayba   S. Lee                 

Abstract Details


To compare through focus image performance of three trifocal IOL models


Vision Science/Optics Laboratory at Alcon Research Ltd, USA


Laboratory bench simulation for pseudophakic eyes was performed with a new non-sequential order Presbyopia Correcting trifocal IOL, the Zeiss AT Lisa tri 839 MP, and PhysIOL FineVision Micro F12 IOLs. TF-MTF Curves simulating the viewing distance from infinity to 40cm were generated with IOLs in model eye environment.


The novel presbyopia correcting IOL, the Zeiss AT Lisa tri 839 MP, and PhysIOL FineVision Micro F12 IOLs were measured. The Zeiss AT Lisa tri 839 MP, and the PhysIOL FineVision Micro F12 IOLs show distance and near MTF with an additional intermediate focus at 80cm. The novel presbyopia correcting IOL provides distance and near MTF with an additional intermediate focus at 60cm.


The TF-MTF Curves for novel presbyopia correcting IOL and two trifocal IOLs all show a distance and a near focus in the laboratory simulation. The novel presbyopia correcting IOL provides an intermediate focus at 60 cm, which is believed to improve spectacle-independent viewing of devices such as smartphones than the Zeiss AT Lisa tri 839 MP, and the PhysIOL FineVision Micro F12 IOL Models.

Financial Disclosure:

One or more of the authors is employed by a for-profit company with an interest in the subject of the presentation

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