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Visual performance simulation of a novel presbyopia-correcting IOL

Poster Details

First Author: Y.Liu USA

Co Author(s):    C. Rich   S. Lee   M. Choi   S. Lee           

Abstract Details


To evaluate the laboratory bench simulation of the Contrast Sensitivity (CS) and Visual Acuity (VA) differences between a novel presbyopia-correcting intraocular lens and the AcrySof IQ ReSTOR +3D multifocal intraocular lens for simulated object distances from infinity to near.


Experimental study conducted at Alcon Laboratories, Fort Worth, Texas, USA


Laboratory MTF measurement of bench model eyes was performed with the novel Presbyopia-Correcting IOL (Lens 1) and ReSTOR +3D multifocal IOL (Lens 2) respectively. CS difference between the two lens models was evaluated with the measurement results. Badal images of a letter chart at simulated object distances from -1.0 D to +3.0 D at every 0.25D increment were recorded and post processed with a neural network algorithm to estimate the VA of the two lenses. Neural network training was accomplished using four sets of clinical defocus VA databases from commercially available IOLs.


Distance CS reductions of Lens 1 relative to Lens 2 were -0.066±0.009 log units at 3 cpd, -0.096±0.010 at 6 cpd, -0.127±0.009 at 12 cpd, and -0.120±0.013 at 18 cpd. Near CS reductions were -0.142±0.023 log units at 3 cpd , -0.003±0.020 at 6 cpd, -0.063±0.024 at 12 cpd, and -0.006±0.021 at 18 cpd. The visual acuities obtained for Lens 1 were -0.034 LogMAR at distance, 0.112 at 80cm, 0.069 at 70cm, 0.018 at 60cm, -0.001 at 50cm, and 0.017 at 40cm respectively. The corresponding VA values for Lens 2 were -0.047, 0.201, 0.184, 0.138, 0.066, and 0.044 LogMAR respectively.


The novel presbyopia-correcting IOL can provide equivalent distance and near performances in visual acuity and contrast sensitivity compared with the multifocal ReSTOR +3D lens. The intermediate performance of the novel presbyopia-correcting IOL is superior to the multifocal lens and it can potentially offer VA improvement of about -0.078 LogMAR at 80cm, -0.115 LogMAR at 70 cm, and -0.121 LogMAR at 60cm. With a one line difference in visual acuity on the Snellen VA chart equal to approximately 0.1 logMAR these results indicate more than a 1 line improvement for the novel presbyopia-correcting IOL at 70cm and 60cm.

Financial Disclosure:

One or more of the authors is employed by a for-profit company with an interest in the subject of the presentation

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