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A unique presbyopia-correcting IOL solution with distance, intermediate and near focal points to provide a full range of vision for patients

Poster Details

First Author: Y.Liu USA

Co Author(s):    C. Rich   J. He   D. Carson   M. VonTress   X. Hong        

Abstract Details


To compare the through focus performance of a novel presbyopia correcting IOL that provides full range of vision from distance to intermediate, and to near with an existing trifocal IOL.


Experimental study conducted at Alcon Laboratories, Fort Worth, Texas, USA


Bench simulation of visual performance for pseudophakic eyes was performed with a novel presbyopia correcting IOL (Lens 1) and AT Lisa Tri 839 MP IOL (Lens 2) with Badal image testing and modulation transfer function measurement. Badal images of a letter chart simulating viewing distances of infinity, 80cm, 60cm, and 40cm were recorded. The recorded images were displayed on a computer monitor in a randomized sequence and viewed by five masked human subjects under photopic condition. Direct reading by the subjects were collected as bench optical acuity and was calibrated to visual acuity using available clinical data of Lens 2.


Averaged bench optical acuity values (in logMAR) read by the five subjects were -0.200 (Lens 1) and -0.198 (Lens 2) at distance; -0.070 (Lens 1) and -0.063 (Lens 2) at 80 cm; -0.200 (Lens 1) and 0.117 (Lens 2) at 60 cm; -0.183 (Lens 1) and -0.200 (Lens 2) at 40 cm; The calibrated visual acuity (mean±SD, in logMAR) at distance were 0.015±0.000 (Lens 1) and 0.016± 0.000 (Lens 2) (P=0.8962); At 80cm, it was 0.066±0.032 and 0.069±0.031 respectively (P=0.5572); at 60cm, it was 0.015±0.000 and 0.139±0.024 respectively (P<0.0001); at 40cm, it was -0.022±0.015 and 0.015±0.000 respectively (P=0.1714).


The novel presbyopia correcting IOL can provide equivalent distance and near performance in regard of both visual acuity and modulation transfer function compared with the Zeiss AT Lisa 839 Tri trifocal lens, whereas providing a superior intermediate vision at an optimal intermediate distance of 60 cm and a comparable image quality at 80cm. The novel presbyopia correcting IOL offers a full range of vision from distance to intermediate, and to near, for cataract patients for desktop, laptop, and tablet computer usage.

Financial Disclosure:

One or more of the authors is employed by a for-profit company with an interest in the subject of the presentation

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