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The optical functional outcomes and the stability of the new modified LENTIS Mplus Toric X after one year

Poster Details

First Author: M.Rau GERMANY

Co Author(s):                        

Abstract Details


Purpose To assess and compare the optical and functional outcomes after 3 and 12 months ,the stability of the lens in the capsular bag and patients satisfaction after Implantation of multifocal Lentis M plus toric X.


Eye Clinic Cham, Janahof, Cham, Germany


In prospective case studies we implanted Lentis M plus toric X in 20 eyes of 15 patients from Juli 2013 to January 2014. We evaluated post-operative refraction, uncorrected (UCVA) and best corrected (BCVA) distance, intermediate and near visual acuity. The quality of vision, glare, halos, the need to wear glasses and the personal satisfaction of the patients was assessed with a validated questionnaire.


Three month after the implantation the mean BCVA for distance was 0,83 with the mean correction of and +0,25 . after 12 months 0,8. The mean UCVA for distance was 0,78 after three months 0,76 after 12 months, the intermediate vision 0,7 after three and 12 months ,the near vision 0,8 after three and 0,78 after 12 months . Glare and Halos during night driving were less after one year.80 % of the patients were completely independent of the glasses.2 lenses showed slide rotation caused due the shrinking of capsular bag.


After one year the MF LentisĀ® Mplus toric X provides good visual acuity for distance, intermediate and near. Glare and Halos during the night driving were in comparism with tree months less. The LentisĀ® Mplus toric X in the capsular bag is stable.

Financial Disclosure:

One or more of the authors travel has been funded, fully or partially, by a competing company

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