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Quality of vision after implantation of SeeLensMF
Poster Details
First Author: V.Pankova BULGARIA
Co Author(s): D. Mitova
Abstract Details
To assess the quality of vision after implantation of SeeLensMF, including UCVA for far and near distance, subjective satisfaction, contrast sensitivity, spectacle dependence in people undergoing cataract surgery.
St.Petka Eyeclinic, Varna, Bulgaria
A retrospective review was performed.
The analysis includes 17 patients (32 eyes), 11 women and 6 men at the age of 32 to 62 that underwent phacoemulsification and implantation of SeeLens MF IOL
None of them had any other ocular pathology. The IOL power calculation was done by Lenstar optical biometer.
Distance and near VA was measured using the Snellen Chart. The contrast sensitivity test was performed. An assessment of patient’s subjective satisfaction (reading small prints, large print book, seeing step, watching TV, doing fine handwork, driving during day and night, measured from 1 to 6) was performed.
Mean Postoperative visual acuity for distance is 0,94; mean postoperative visual acuity for near is 20/25. 100% of patients have 0,8 postoperative UCVA for far. 71,8 % have UCVA for far 20/10. 78.1 % have UCVA for near 20/25 and above, which gives the patients independence on the use of reading glasses
Multifocal SeeLensMF provides great depth of focus, good far and near vision and high quality of vision, hence high comfort of life.
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