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Optical quality comparison of two bifocal diffractive intraocular lenses with a diffractive lens with extended range of vision

Poster Details

First Author: D.Monsalvez-Romin SPAIN

Co Author(s):    N. Martinez-Albert   A. del Aguila   A. Dominguez-Vicent   J. Esteve-Taboada           

Abstract Details


To objectively assess the optical quality of two bifocal diffractive intraocular lenses (IOLs) and compare them with a diffractive lens with extended range of vision. The three of them belong to the TECNIS trademark (Abbott Medical Optics Inc., Santa Ana, CA), models ZLB00 (bifocal +3.25 addition), ZM001 (bifocal +4.00 addition) and ZXR00 (Extended range of vision).


University of Valencia, Spain.


The image quality of the IOLs was assessed by means of the PMTF optical bench (LAMBDA-X, Nivelles, Belgium). The device obtains measurements of the modulation transfer function (MTF) as through-focus and through-frequency curves. It complies with International Organization for Standardization (ISO) 11979-2 and 11979-9 requirements for the characterization of multifocal IOLs. The measurements were taken at the centered position of the lenses, as well as at decentered positions by 0.2 and 0.4 mm. Different pupil sizes were set in order to assess the behaviour of the IOLs at photopic (3.0 mm) and mesopic conditions (4.5 mm).


Light distribution of the bifocal lenses is close to 50/50 between far and near foci. However, the ZM001 yields more light to the near focus, whereas the ZLB00 gives more light to the far focus. The ZXR00 distributes light more equitably than the other two. The values of the MTF were decreased at 4.5 mm pupil size compared to the 3.0 mm aperture for all IOLs. Decentration up to 0.4 mm did not highly alter the behaviour of the lenses. The lens that was more affected by dencetration was the ZM001, whereas the ZLB00 and the ZXR00 were less affected.


The optic quality of IOLs described in terms of the MTF should be expected to have an impact on the visual quality of patients. The ZM001 performed better at near distance than the ZLB00 and ZXR00. The ZLB00 and ZXR00 performed better at far distance than the ZM001. At intermediate distances, the ZXR00 is expected to yield better performance than the bifocal lenses. Under photopic conditions, these IOLs would be related to better visual quality. Decentering up to 0.4 mm did not markedly alter the optical quality of the lenses.

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