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Visual functions after customized multifocal LENTIS Mplus Toric implantation

Poster Details

First Author: I.Malyutina RUSSIA

Co Author(s):    R. Dolzhich   V. Pogorelova                 

Abstract Details


To evaluate the outcomes of visual functions after OcuLentis M plus LU-313 MF30T implantation.


Eye clinic,Excimer, Rostov, Russia


Under the control, there were 18 patients (27 eyes) with age ranging from 34 to 65 years (50,28±10,90), men -16, women - 2 . The cataract phacoemulsification or refractive lensectomy via the MICS technology was provided on Stellaris PC. In bilateral cases, the second surgery was made in a 5-7 days after the first one. The IOL calculations were made with the data from Lenstar and Pentacam, using online Oculentis Toric Intraocular Lens Calculator. The evaluation of uncorrected distant (5 meters), near (33 cm), spherical (SE) and cylinder refraction component, and also the nessesity of additional spectacle correction.


The baseline VA was ranging from 0,02 to 0,8 with correction. The first day VA outcomes were 0,75±0,15 , one week later 0,85±0,15, one month later 0,85±0,15. The SE was (–)0,75 ± 0,25, in connection with the automatic refractometer data error, through the assimetric optics of such IOLs model. The cylinder component was (–)0,25±0,15 after the surgery. No one needed additional spectacle correction and the 85% of patients got distant VA after the surgery higher then the best corrected visual aquity before the surgery in refractive lensectomy cases.


The customized OcuLentis M plus LU-313 MF30T IOL provides high VA for patients with high degree corneal astigmatism and sufficiently improves life quality includes spectacle independence.

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