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Ocular residual astigmatism (ORA) in diffractive and asymmetric refractive multifocal lenses

Poster Details

First Author: A.Frings GERMANY

Co Author(s):    T. Katz   J. Steinberg   V. Druchkiv   S. Linke           

Abstract Details


This retrospective, cross-sectional data analysis was initiated to analyse the astigmatic changes after implantation of two different types of MIOL with special emphasis on final postoperative ORA.


Medical University Hospital Hamburg-Eppendorf, Germany; Universitätsklinikum Erlangen, Germany


In 441 eyes from 441 consecutive patients undergoing MIOL surgery refractive changes after MIOL surgery were studied. AS MIOL, either Lentis M+ 313 MF (Oculentis GmbH, Berlin, Germany) or the AT LISA 809 (Acri.Tec/Carl Zeiss Meditec, Oberkochen, Germany) were used. To investigate astigmatic changes the Alpins vector method was applied.


There was higher magnitude of subjective cylinder and topographic astigmatism as well as surgically induced astigmatism (refractive and topographic) in eyes after implantation of a refractive, non-symmetrical MIOL (Lentis M+) compared to eyes with a symmetrical AT LISA. Moreover, ORA was statistically significantly higher in eyes with Lentis M+ (P=0.039).


Both lens models produce a similar small (although statistically significant but clinically negligible) difference in ORA. The postoperative ORA can be ignored when making the decision for one of the two MIOL types and does not change the lens power calculation.

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