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In vitro optical quality comparison among two trifocal and an extended range of vision intraocular lenses

Poster Details

First Author: T.Ferrer Blasco SPAIN

Co Author(s):    A. Dominguez-Vicent   J. Esteve-Taboada   R. Montes-Mico   J. Alfonso           

Abstract Details


To compare the optical quality among three multifocal intraocular lenses (IOL): the TECNIS Symfony (Abbott Laboratories, Illinois, USA), the AT Lisa trifocal (Carl Zeiss Meditec, Jena, Germany) and the FineVision (PhysIOL, Liège, Belgium).


University of Valencia, Spain


An instrument designed to measure the MTF under in-vitro conditions was employed to assess the optical quality of each lens. The MTF, through focus MTF, defocus tolerance, pupil dependence, and Strehl ratio MTF were used to describe the optical quality of each IOL. In addition, these metrics were assessed for the best lens distance focus (0.0 D), and at five vergences (from -1.5 D to -3.5 D in 0.5 D step), at 3.0 mm and 4.5 mm apertures.


Three mean peaks were obtained in the through focus of both trifocal IOLs. Contrariwise, the TECNIS Symfony IOL showed two main areas: one for distance-vision focus, and another one to intermediate- and near-vision foci. Both trifocal lenses showed better MTFs and Strehl ratio at -3.5 D, meanwhile the TECNIS Symfony showed better results at -2.0 D. The optical quality of the FineVision and the TECNIS Symfony decreased with the aperture, except for the FineVision at 0.0 D, which optical quality improved with the aperture. Furthermore, the AT Lisa showed the least aperture dependence. Finally, all lenses showed similar defocus tolerances


The TECNIS Symfony is more likely to yield better optical quality at intermediate distance, whereas both trifocal IOLs might provide better optical quality at near distance.

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