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Initial experience in expanding multifocality options with a new single piece diffractive multifocal IOL with a +2.50D near add power

Poster Details

First Author: F.Cheong MALAYSIA

Co Author(s):    E. Hiew   S. Teoh                 

Abstract Details


To evaluate the efficacy of a new diffractive multifocal intraocular lens (IOL) with a +2.50D near add power in reducing spectacle dependence in patients undergoing cataract surgery. This new IOL is designed for patients who do not wish to compromise distance visual quality while desiring a greater range of vision than that provided by monofocal IOLs.


Prospective case series study in a multidisciplinary private hospital


Inclusion criteria were eyes with no other co-morbidity. A total of 32 eyes in 24 patients were recruited. Of these, 8 patients had bilateral implantations of the ReSTOR +2.50D IOL and 9 patients had the ReSTOR +3.00D implanted in the other eye for a blended multifocal option. All operations were performed by a single surgeon, with no intra-operative complications. Follow- up period was 6 months. Outcome measures were (i) distance and near visual acuities (ii) patients’ perceived symptoms of haloes and glare (iii) patients’ spectacle independence and overall satisfaction.


All 32 eyes could see 20/30 or better, 94% managed 20/25 or better and 62.5% managed 20/20. 100% read J3, 68% J2 and 26% could read J1. All patients with ReSTOR +3.0 implanted in the other eye could see 20/20 distance and read J1 binocularly. Half the patients reported seeing haloes and glare only rarely or not at all. All patients were not bothered by visual disturbances. All patients were spectacle-free for distance, 90% for intermediate activities and nearly 70% for fine print reading. 80% gave a maximum 5/5 patient satisfaction score and 20% gave 4/5. With regards to recommending the same lens to others, 90% would definitely(5/5) do so and 10% most probably(4/5).


This new multifocal IOL option was found to be effective and predictable in providing spectacle freedom to individuals who desire good distance visual quality with the benefit of a greater range of binocular intermediate and near vision as compared to that provided by monofocal IOLs. Patient satisfaction was high.

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