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Near, intermediate and distance visual and refractive outcome of trifocal intraocular lens implantation

Poster Details

First Author: S.Caputo AUSTRALIA

Co Author(s):    M. Goggin   L. van Zyl                 

Abstract Details


To evaluate the refractive and visual outcome of implantation of trifocal intraocular lenses at near (40cms), intermediate (80cms) and distance (6m).


Publicly funded hospital and private practice. the Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Woodville South,Australia


42 eyes in 22 patients were implanted with Carl Zeiss Meditec trifocal IOLs (AT Lisa TRI 839MP). Near, intermediate and distance visual acuity, both uni-ocular and binocular visual acuity was measured at 6 weeks, with and without distance correction using a logMAR chart appropriate for each distance.


Mean unaided distance acuity was 0.04 logMAR (SD 0.14) for individual eyes and -0.05 logMAR (SD 0.12) binocularly. DCVAs were -0.06 (SD 0.11) and -0.12 (SD 0.1), respectively. Mean unaided intermediate acuity was 0.16 logMAR (SD 0.11) for individual eyes and 0.05 logMAR (SD 0.09) binocularly. DCVAs were 0.11 (SD 0.09) and 0.04 (SD 0.09), respectively. Mean unaided near acuity was 0.26 logMAR (SD 0.14) for individual eyes and 0.22 logMAR (SD 0.14) binocularly. DCVAs were -0.19 (SD 0.11) and 0.13 (SD 0.1), respectively. Mean SE post-operatively was 0.0016D (SD 0.40).


Most reading material is printed close to the size equivalent to logMAR 0.5 (6/19 distance Snellen equivalent) at 40cm. Mean unaided acuity in these eyes was considerably in excess of this at this distance. Binocular function was in excess of monocular at all distances confirming the preference for binocular implantation of these devices.

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