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Comparison between bilateral implantation of an extended depth of focus IOL and a multifocal IOL with low additional power (+2.5D)
Poster Details
First Author: E.Bruni ITALY
Co Author(s): E. Pedrotti S. Ficial B. Rosanna R. Mastropasqua F. Carones G. Marchini
Abstract Details
to evaluate visual acuity, defocus curve, contrast sensitivity and patient satisfaction after bilateral implantation of an extended depth of focus (EDOF) IOL (Amo Tecnis Symfony) compared to a multifocal IOL (MIOL) with an additional power of 2.5 diopters (Alcon ReStor).
Ophthalmology Unit, department of Neurosciences, University of Verona, Verona Italy and Centro Oftalmochirurgico Carones, Milan, Italy.
100 eyes of 50 patients affected by senile cataract undergoing bilateral phacoemulsification were divided in two randomized groups. Group 1 (25 patients) was bilaterally implanted with an EDOF IOL and group 2 (20 patients) was bilaterally implanted with a MIOL (Alcon ReStor +2,5). All patients underwent a post operative follow-up of 3 months during which was evaluated binocularly: uncorrected and corrected distance visual acuity; uncorrected and corrected near visual acuity at 40 cm, uncorrected and corrected intermediate visual acuity at 60 cm. It were also assessed defocus curve, contrast sensitivity (CS), aberrometry and patients satisfaction (NEI RQL-42).
No statistical difference was found in uncorrected and best corrected visual acuity at all distances tested. The defocus curve shows better visual acuity from -0,25 diopters (D) to - 1,25D for the group 1, while group 2 performs better from -1,75 to -2,25D. Better CS and better values for RMS and MTF were found in group 1. All patients in both groups reported no significant visual disturbances and high level of satisfaction.
According to our results, both groups achieved an excellent visual acuity both for distance and intermediate, and satisfactory for near. The EDOF IOL shows better values in terms of quality of vision. Both groups achieved a high patient satisfaction and good spectacle independence. Both IOLs can be considered a good option in routine cataract surgery in patients willing spectacle independence.
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