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Refractive comparison of an implant at 1/100th of diopter with a 0,5 diopter implant in cataract surgery

Poster Details

First Author: P.Gascon FRANCE

Co Author(s):    B. Donnadieu   A. Dornadin   V. Donnadieu   F. Matonti   D. Denis   L. Hoffart     

Abstract Details


The aim of our study is to evaluate the interest of the use of a monofocal Intraocular lens at 1/100th of diopter, for the surgery of cataract with phacoemulsification, in terms of refractive accuracy compared with an implant having a pitch of 0.5 diopter.


14patients(hospital Timone,Marseille,France)undergoing bilateral phacoemulsification were included prospectively in a randomized double-blind characteristics of the implant used:one eye received an implant(acrylic,Smart.IOLPlusĀ®Prodis,OphthalmicMicroTechnology,Sion,Switzerland)to 1/100th of a diopter emmetropic eyes and the second eye received the same type of implant but with a pitch of 0.5diopters for emmetropia;the patient was his own sham.


An unmasked independent investigator performed randomization. The inclusion criteria included a corrected visual acuity <0.2 logMAR and / or significant impairment (photophobia, halo), an ametropia (spherical between -3 and +3 diopters and cylindrical between -0.75 and 0, 75 diopters) and finally the absence of ocular abnormality may limit optimal visual acuity. Preoperative evaluation included the best visual acuity with and without correction and a bilateral bio microscopy. A standardized phacoemulsification (incision 2.2 mm, divide and conquer technique) was performed by a trained surgeon.


11 women and 3 men with an average age of 75 years (standard deviation(SD) = 10.02) participated in the study. In preoperative the visual acuity that was corrected best was of -0,33LogMar (SD:0.14). No loss of sight and no surgical complications were recorded. The implant hundredth is 11 times the right side. At one month of the 2nd eye surgery the best visual acuity without average eye correction at a hundredth was -0.05LogMar while that of the implant with a pitch of 0.5diopter was -0.16logMar.


There seems to be refractive interest in implanting patients operated for cataract with an implant estimated preoperatively at a hundredth: it would ensure a better quality of vision, and a greater independence from glasses for distance vision. The emmetropic eyes implants estimated at a hundredth appear to be a significant step forward for the patient's quality of vision at no extra cost.

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