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Comparison between sodium Na hyaluronate and balanced salt solution BSS to facilitate injection of AcrySof IQ intraocular lens IOL through 2.2 incision

Poster Details

First Author: H.Khalil EGYPT

Co Author(s):    K. Khalifa                    

Abstract Details


To prove the efficiency of injecting Acrysof IOL using BSS instead of OVDS used routinely for similar procedure


Expert eye centre in Cairo, Egypt


A prospective study of 50 cataracous eyes with implantation of Acrysof IQ IOL using the D cartridge through 2.2 mm incision with autosert automated injector of Alcon using the same speed. Eyes was divided into two groups, group one of 25 eyes using Na hyaluronate and group two using BSS inside the cartridge. Evaluated by resistance during injection, speed of unfolding and any changes to the lens optics clarity or cracking.


Both groups showed no resistance during injection. Group one unfolding time was4.7+_2.5 sec. In comparison to 7.4+_3.2 seconds in group two. No lens optic showed any changes or cracking in both groups.


BSS is comparable to OVDs for injection of Acrysof IQ IOL regarding safety and efficiency e less unfolding time.

Financial Disclosure:

One or more of the authors travel has been funded, fully or partially, by a competing company

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