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New pseudophakic multifocal IOL with deep depth of field at near and far distances

Poster Details

First Author: W.Furlan SPAIN

Co Author(s):    L. Remon   S. Garcia-Delpech   J. Monsoriu              

Abstract Details


To present a new design of hybrid refractive-diffractive multifocal intraocular lenses (MIOLs) with extended depth of field and low chromatic aberration.


Departament d’Optica i Optometria i Ciencies de la Visio, Facultat de Fisica, Universitat de València, 46100 Burjassot, Spain


The MIOLs design is based on diffractive lenses called Fractal zone plates (FZP) which have demonstrated to have an outstanding behaviour under wide band illumination. Prototypes of fractal MIOLs were constructed in PMMA and HEMA and tested according to European Standard UNE-EN ISO 11979-9. The following parameters were measured in a model eye: 1).Focal lengths (near and far), 2) Through focus point spread function (PSF). 3) Through focus modulation transfer function (MTF). In addition, the resolution efficiency was measured objectively with the standard US Air Force target (1951) by using an automatized optical test bench.


For 2.7 mm and 4.2 mm pupil diameters the experimental MTFs for the distance focus were better than those obtained under the same experimental conditions for several commercially available models of diffractive MIOLs: 0.49 and 0.40 respectively. For the same pupil diameters at the near focus the MTF values were and 0.25 and 0.22 (also better than the ones measured for a commercially available refractive MIOL). The chromatic aberration of these lenses was assessed in the optical setup. It was found that comparatively our designs are less sensitive to the chromatic aberration than other commercial diffractive lenses.


The fractal MIOLs design showed a better performance than other diffractive MIOLs at far and also a better performance than a refractive MIOL at near. The main feature of our design is that it can achieve an increase of the depth focus and a reduction of the chromatic aberration compared with refractive and diffractive MIOLs.

Financial Disclosure:

One or more of the authors is employed by a for-profit company with an interest in the subject of the presentation

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