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In vitro optical quality comparison between two extended depth of focus IOLs

Poster Details

First Author: A.Domínguez-Vicent SPAIN

Co Author(s):    J. Esteve-Taboada   A. Del Aguila-Carrasco   T. Ferrer-Blasco   R. Montes-Mico           

Abstract Details


To compare the optical quality between two intraocular lenses (IOLs): the Mini WELL ready progressive multifocal (SIFI Medtech, Italy), and the TECNIS Symfony (Abbott Laboratories, Illinois, USA), which both provide a continuous range of vision from distance to near positions.


University of Valencia, Spain.


The in-vitro optical quality of each lens was assessed with an instrument conceived for measuring the modulation transfer function (MTF). The optical quality of each lens was described in terms of MTF, through focus MTF, defocus tolerance, pupil dependence, and Strehl ratio MTF. These metrics were assessed for the best lens distance focus, and at four vergences (from -1.5 D to -3.0 D in 0.5 D step), at 3.0 mm and 4.5 mm apertures.


The through focus curves of each lens showed two main areas: one corresponding to far-distance vision, and another to intermediate- and near-distance vision. Both lenses showed similar MTF curves and Strehl ratio values at both apertures. The optical quality of both lenses slightly decreased with the aperture for all vergences, whereas the quality of the progressive multifocal lens increased with the aperture at far-distance vision. This lens also showed the largest defocus tolerance at near-distance vision for both apertures.


The results obtained in the present study suggest that both designs might enlarge the depth of focus. Whereas, the Mini WELL ready showed better optical quality than the TECNIS Symfony at distance vision with 4.5 mm aperture, and larger defocus tolerance than the diffractive lens at near-distance vision.

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