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Relationship between lens optical characteristics, preoperative biometric data and clinical outcomes of patients implanted with bioanalogic polyfocal IOL

Poster Details

First Author: R.Chaloupka CZECH REPUBLIC

Co Author(s):    J. Kopriva   V. Stoy                 

Abstract Details


The main goal of this paper is elucidation of relation between patient’s biometric data, optical properties of the implanted IOL, and quality of vision in patients implanted with bioanalogic polyfocal intraocular lens (WIOL-CF, Medicem). This bioanalogic IOL is made of an optically homogeneous hydrogel and its polyfocality (wide depth of focus due to controlled amount of negative spherical aberration) is achieved strictly by geometry of its optical surfaces.


Medicem Institute, Czech Republic and Medicem International, Czech Republic


Statistical analysis of clinical results of implantations (210 eyes, post-op follow-up from 3 to 12months) complemented by WIOL-CF optical characteristics using statistical software QC.Expert version 3.3 (TriloByte Statistical Software) aiming to find the most important predictors for good visual acuity at near (40cm), intermediate (70cm) and distance (4-6m), for photopic and mesopic contrast sensitivity and other clinical outcomes.


Statistical analysis of clinical data using linear regression shows that the means of both the photopic and mesopic contrast sensitivity in patients implanted with WIOL-CF having the highest negative spherical aberration equals or exceeds the population norm for healthy eyes of the corresponding age group. The photopic contrast sensitivity does not depend on the amount of WIOL-CF negative spherical aberration, whereas the mesopic contrast sensitivity at lower spatial frequencies is spherical aberration dependent at the significance level of 0.05. However, the observed effect is not statistically significant at 18 cycles/degree.


Excellent visual acuity and very good contrast sensitivity can be achieved even with an IOL having controlled amount of negative spherical aberration. Although one can assume that lenses with spherical aberration should cause lower contrast sensitivity (particularly at mesopic conditions), the polyfocal WIOL-CF do not suffer from this adverse effect. The WIOL-CF spherical aberration has detrimental effect neither on photopic nor on mesopic contrast sensitivity, and provides an indisputable advantage of vision at all distances from far to near. We explain this effect by high compatibility of the retinal and neural image processing system for images projected by polyfocal optics.

Financial Disclosure:

One or more of the authors is employed by a for-profit company with an interest in the subject of the presentation

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